After the fall of Pablo Escobar and the capture of his cartel in the early ’90s, Colombia has been able to recover from the drug war and return to economic growth. But Buy cocaine online is still dealing with the damage that has been done to its environment and its people. Nearly every Colombian knows someone who has been killed or injured in the conflict. And most of the Colombian population is against the corruption and bloodshed in their midst.
The global cocaine market is booming, fueled by rising demand in Asia and Europe. Coca production is rising to record levels. And now, in parts of the country where warring factions once battled each other, they are finding ways to work together. Ideology now plays little role in the civil conflict, and different factions have shown a willingness to cooperate with foes if it means they can maximize their earnings.
As a result, the cocaine trade is gaining new strength in Colombia. And with Buy cocaine Australia in forcing eradication, there are no barriers to entry for would-be growers.
And so, a new round of warfare could be on the horizon. It’s a war that will see more cocaine produced than ever before, and more of it shipped to markets in Europe and Asia. For Colombia, it will be a fight to regain control of the global cocaine business. And it will also be a test of the nation’s ability to take advantage of its newly found economic freedom without sacrificing its citizens’ safety and security.